Archive for the ‘ Worship ’ Category

Video: Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and Preschool

Written by Mark T Fiedler - The Mark and Sheila Team
July 13th, 2010

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church is a small but growing congregation in Rio Rancho, NM. The church debuted as Rio Rancho Lutheran Mission in 1994, and adopted its current name when it joined the the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in 1996.  After holding services in a school cafeteria and a store front for several years, they built the first phase of their current facility on a hilltop near Pasilla Rd. and Highway 528. Reverend Kenneth DeSoto has been Pastor of the church since 2008.

In the Fall of 2002, the church opened a Christian Preschool, keeping the enrollment low, and quality high. Children 2 1/2 years through 5 years old are eligible for admission.

The address is 2400 Monterrey Road NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144. The phone number is 505-867-9554. Visit their website for a schedule of services and events:

Written by Mark T Fiedler - The Mark and Sheila Team
June 9th, 2010

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