Candidates for the office of Rio Rancho Mayor – Mike Williams, Jim Owen, Gregg Hull and Morgan Braden faced off to answer questions posed by the Rio Rancho Observer and the Albuquerque Journal at Cleveland High School on February 13, 2014. Nine candidates for Rio Rancho City Council handled questions for the first hour, including Darlene Collins, Dawnn Robinson and Sandra Atwood for District 2; Tamara Gutierrez and Cheryl Everett for District 3; and Shelby Smith, Paul Howell, Tim Crum and Thomas Buckner for District 5. The Municipal Election will be held March 4, 2014. Early voting is underway now.
If you did not get a chance to attend in person, we hope these videos supply additional decision-making information to all eligible voters in Rio Rancho. Local government has a bigger day-to-day impact on each of us than state or federal governments, yet voter turnout has been historically low in Rio Rancho for local elections. We hope that trend improves this year, and we’re doing our part. Each video is about one hour, so get a snack, get educated about the candidates and VOTE!